Designing laboratories of virology and biosafety

Рішення біобезпеки для лабораторії

Virological laboratories provide monitoring of the circulation of viral pathogens in the environment and laboratory diagnosis of infectious diseases of viral etiology. TECHNOLOGY PROJECT GROUP specialists develop projects of virological laboratories in compliance with increased levels of biosafety and biological protection.

Design of virology and biosafety laboratories

Laboratories of virology and biosafety are specialized institutions where a comprehensive study of various viruses is carried out. This allows for a deeper understanding of their properties and mechanisms of action, on the basis of which it becomes possible to develop countermeasures. Thanks to this work, vaccines, diagnostic tests and medicines are developed in such laboratories. The organization of this type of institution is associated with strict requirements and standards, as well as compliance with increased biological protection measures. All this creates the specifics of designing virology and biosafety laboratories.

Design features of virology and biosafety laboratories

The design of laboratories in this direction poses significant difficulties. Only qualified designers with relevant experience can cope with such a task. In the work on the project of the laboratory of virology and biosafety, it is necessary to take into account strict requirements, the main of which is to ensure protection against the possible spread of infections. There are established safety protocols that must be followed. For this, appropriate equipment is selected, which ensures a high level of protection in all departments and units of the laboratory. Such special equipment may include special suits, bioprotective cabinets, etc. In addition, key security aspects are:

  • proper disposal of waste;
  • disinfection of premises;
  • ventilation system;
  • ensuring sterile conditions.

Other features taken into account in the design process of such institutions include:

  • work with various types of viruses;
  • levels of danger in a specific laboratory;
  • the presence of different zones with different levels of bioprotection (zones are intended for working with materials of different levels of harmfulness);
  • storage conditions of reagents, substances and other elements used;
  • conditions of installation and operation of specialized laboratory equipment;
  • compliance with ethical norms in the process of conducting research on humans/animals.

In the process of designing a laboratory of virology and biosecurity, it is important to properly organize the space, competently locate interconnected departments and services, correctly think through the placement of communications and the ratio of the area to the installed equipment. This requires not only professional knowledge in the field of design, but also an understanding of the specifics of the work of such laboratories, as well as knowledge in the field of legislative norms, safety and quality standards.

Where to order the project of the laboratory of virology and biosafety

To create a modern high-tech laboratory of virology and biosafety, it is necessary to turn to experts. The “Technology Project Group” company is a professional in the field of designing various healthcare facilities. We have been working for more than 10 years. During this time, our specialists managed to develop a huge number of successfully implemented projects of virology laboratories.

Our design engineers strictly adhere to domestic and international standards. They constantly improve their qualifications and borrow the positive experience of developed European countries in the organization of laboratories. All this allows our company to offer only the best project solutions. We always create projects taking into account the requirements of the customer, the area of the premises, available resources and legal norms.

Technological design from the company “Technology Project Group” allows you to solve many tasks, namely:

  • to develop an optimal volume-planning solution with the placement of equipment and the organization of engineering communications;
  • competently organize the space by dividing it into zones;
  • to form an accurate guide to the creation of engineering departments;
  • optimize available resources to achieve ergonomics and savings;
  • provide full project support.

The professional company “Technology Project Group” will become your reliable partner in creating a modern laboratory of virology and guaranteeing a positive conclusion of the examination.

To order a laboratory project, contact us by phone. You can also ask any questions you may have via email.

Out benefits

Experienced team

Over 10 years of work, our team has developed more than 50 laboratories of various profiles

Modern project of the laboratory

Our team will offer you design solutions that meet the latest trends in laboratory design

Compliance with international standards

Projects developed with our participation meet the requirements for laboratories set forth by Ukrainian and international accreditation standards (ISO15189 and ISO17025).

How we are working

Discussion of project goals, objectives and scope


Preliminary calculation of the cost of works


Negotiation of the terms of cooperation and signing of the contract for project works


Development of the project and support of the project until obtaining a positive conclusion of the examination

Latest projects

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